Welcome to Giovanni's Blog

About Me

My name is Giovanni De Costanzo and I currently work as IT official at Customs and Monopolies Agency in Rome.

I’m a geek, passionate about all the tech world since early age, when my father bought the first PC in 1995. From him I also inherited a passion for cinema, and together we set up a small Home Theatre room. Over the years I became interested in programming, so after high school I decided to enroll for the course in computer science. Around the same time I also had way to cultivate my passion for football, organising and participating in amateur tournaments among friends.

I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2014, and soon after I left for Milan, where I worked for a year in consulting at Deloitte, as a developer on the e-commerce project of MSC Cruises. In August 2015 I resigned to meet my desire to resume the studies and deepen my knowledge. So I got home, enrolling in the Master’s Degree. In December 2017 I have earned a Master’s Degree cum Laude in Computer Science (specializing in Computer Security). For my thesis work I realized a reputation-based system in P2P logic for blocking malware at the operating system level.

In January 2018 I’ve been hired as Research Engineer at Malwarebytes (Perugia, Italy).

In four years at Malwarebytes, I’ve had a few minor promotions and a substantial increase in responsibilities. In the last year I was with the company, I also worked nights and weekends, and was rewarded with a basket of salami and cheese and the imposition of an on-call contract with 24/7 shifts for up to two weeks a month. At that time I realised that working hard so that someone else could get ahead, and putting up with some company decisions that I do not agree with and that I consider unfair, was definitely not for me. I learnt that a career and a high salary are not the most important thing in my life and that my free time is much more valuable than what a multinational wants to pay you.

However, during that shitty period I was lucky enough to meet my current partner and in the spring of 2022 I moved with her to Rome. Here I worked for a few months at NTT DATA, waiting to be hired at the Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, having won a state public competition. In September 2023 I won another public competition and I’ve been hired at Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli.