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Humility is the knowing of the epistemic gap

  | #virtue

Humility is the knowing that you don’t know a lot of things not a false pretension to deceive people into praising you.

The contemporary view of humility seems to be to pretend as if one knew little instead of realizing it. Here fake it till you make it doesn’t seem to work as, the more you pretend to be humble without realizing how little you know—not relatively, but absolutely—-the ego grows by holding onto the relative superiority.

Most of the issue of not understanding the fragility of one’s epistemic confidence arises due to comparision, but more often than not [[Comparison based on accomplishment does not have a baseline]].


Taleb, Nicholas Nassim. (2015). Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder

About Giovanni De Costanzo

Photo of Giovanni De Costanzo

My name is Giovanni De Costanzo and I'm a Sr.Research Engineer at Malwarebytes. I'm a geek, passionate about all the tech world since early age.